CJCK201, TS943, ufxforall5

How It Works

  • Tap to book Just pick up your phone and put in where you want to go. The app will get you’re a driver in no time!
  • Get Driver Details Once your ride request is accepted, the app automatically informs you of all the details of the driver including make and model of the car.
  • Track and Guide Take a look at the route the driver is taking to reach you. Trace his exact location and guide him if necessary.
  • Hop in and ride on Once the driver reaches you, just hop in and enjoy the trip. The app will calculate the fare and give you an invoice at the end of the trip.

Download the App

Absolutely FREE

To enjoy a smooth and hassle free ride every single time, just download our app register into it. It’s simple and it’s FREE!

Take a Ride

Know The Price

Secure And Safe, Always.

All our drivers are carefully vetted to ensure that each trip you take is perfectly secure and safe.

Anytime, Anywhere

Just pull out that phone and book a cab whenever you like. We don’t say no regardless of whether it is noon or night.

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Call To Book A Ride

Don’t have internet? Can’t book using the app? Don’t worry. Leave that to us. Just call us an make a phone booking. We’ll send a driver your way immediately.